Monday, September 19, 2011

local pizza wars!!!

Jersey Shore on Thursday night is a weekly staple for me (Jenn) and a friend of mine, so we decided to get pizza and keep it Italian! Besides, Snooki and crew are working in a Italian pizzeria this season, so how perfect is pizza as the menu choice?  Unfortunately, after reaching a consensus on pizza, we began to fight as to which local pizzeria to pick.  My friend said Dallas institution Campisi's.  I said my Victory Park favorite, Neo Pizzeria.  Hence, pizza wars.  We each bought a pizza from our favorite place, and battled it out.


We got the supreme pizza which comes on a very thin crust with the usual supreme toppings.  Supreme pizza can be a lot for me, weighing down the pizza and sometimes making the crust soggy.  But the toppings tasted fresh, and the sauce had a nice flavor.  Unfortunately, the crust was too crispy thin for me, borderline hard.  I wasn't a huge fan.

neo pizzeria: 

My personal favorite, the black truffle pizza was divine as always! This pizza has no conventional tomato sauce, and I've come to like this pizza variety.  House made mozzarella, speck (ham, for all intents and purposes, so PORK ALERT!!!), mushrooms, truffle oil, and black pepper make this pizza AMAZING!!! If you like the flavors, but say "No swine on mine," choose the white truffle pizza, which trades in the black pepper and speck for sundried tomatoes.  I suggested this one for Catherine and she LOVED it.

So who was the winner?  While we both agreed that my pizza choice was delectable, my friend stuck to his loyalties and picked Campisi's.   Of course, reading this review, you knew who I picked: NEO PIZZA, ALL THE WAY!  I think if I picked more simple flavors for Campisi's, I would have liked it better...but truffle oil trumps all for me.

Feel free to make your own opinions! Both places are great!

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